Lock of the Mills of Trèbes is located at the exit of the small town, downstream from the port. It is in Trebes that the first slice of work finished. It was envisaged in the preliminary draft of 1666 that the channel finishes there. The boats would have then gained the Mediterranean by the course of the Aude. It is also the place of the second lying. The lock of Trèbes is a partly founded triple lock in the rock. As in Castelnaudary, one benefitted from made uneven to build a mill. Further one d^entailler the cliff because the channel is very close to the Aude. It skirts the pond of Marseillette before arriving at the lock of the Needle then at the aqueduct of the same name which allows the passage of the needle or laughs of draining who drains water of the pond in the Aude
L' aqueduct of Lorbiel
This very beautiful work with 3 arches by which the channel crosses the valley of the orbiel was built within Vauban in 1688. It is one of the first large bridges channels builds in France. The principle of crossing of Orbiel was in the beginning very different. A roadway had been built to raise water of Orbiel on the level of the channel. The boats passed behind this stopping to other bank.
works of Fresquel. the work is remarkable and present the characteristic to allow the passage coast beside the channel and of the road. The building work of this bridge channel to 3 arches began in 1802 for acherver in 1810. The bed of Fresquel was cut in the rock. Immediately downstream from the aqueduct is the double lock of Fresquel separate of the lock of simple Fresquel by a basin of 250 Mr. as well as possible to manage the crossing of the 3 locks, the lockkeeper is posted in a watchtower which dominates the site and which enables him to make forward the barges avoiding wasting water.
During the construction of the channel, the town of Carcassonne was left away from the water way. The natural passage consisted in following the valley of Fresquel de Castelnaudary to its confluence with the Aude to the downstream of Carcassonne. Indeed, the valley was separated from the city by rock slopes which required excavations of 20 meters profonderur. The difficulty was not insurmountable but involved significant expenses. By 1669, Riquet had entered in talks with the judge-magus of Carcassonne to make pass the channel under the walls of the city. But he asked for the community a participation of 100,000 books. An influential party prevented the result of the business and the channel passed to two kilometers to North, along the valéee of Fresquel.
On quickly realized made mistake. The charoi of the goods made lose all the benefit of the channel. Little before the revolution, its diversion was decided. The work started in 1787 was completed in 1818. The new section starts to épanchoir it of Foucauld. One crosses then the trench of Estagnol and one passes under the bridge of léna. After the bridge of Peace, the channel widens in a large basin, the wearing of Carcassonne, finished downstream by the lock and the bridge the Marengo one One joined then the old layout in bottom of the Aqueduct of Fresquel. It will be noted that there remains no vestige of the old layout.
Une beautiful lock, but also a stage for the boat of the post office. The halt of midday, to the second day from Toulouse to Agde Dined.
One lock but also a small port or one charged the right-of-way.
East of large basin of Castelnaudary, a splendid staircase of water.
Two important dates: commission of the channel of midday on May 15th, 1681 and construction of the ïle of Cybèle in 1754.
Le Large Bassin
On the request of the townsmen, Pierre-Paul Riquet, originator of Canal du Midi and François Andréossy, expert geometrician, made of Castelnaudary the c&œlig; technological of this work, by the contruction of the Large Basin. It is the only stretch of water of this dimension (7ha) between Toulouse and Sète. The point of view on the city is admirable: on a side locks of Roch Saint are L (illustration of the art and the technology of the work; other, the island of Cybèle conceived, in this country of wind, like mole. Imagine this Large covered Basin of barges charging the grain for Sète and the Mediterranean.
At the highest point of Canal du Midi, west of summit pond and on the site of Naurouze.
the threshold of Narouze, sometimes also called threshold of Lauragais, is a geographical threshold (or collar) of 189 m altitude of the south-west of France located at the border of the department of the Haute-Garonne and department of the Aude on the watershed enters the Atlantic Ocean and the sea Méditéranée. It constitutes the highest point of the channel of the South. It separates the Massif Central (in north) from the Pyrenees (in the south). It is close to Avigonet-Lauragrais and to Labastide-in Anjou.
It is located between the village of Gardouch and Villefranche-of-Lauragrais.
Il has there a vault and a bridge channel. It was also the first stop of midday from Toulouse to Agde.
La to only bear a name of animal.
Some modifications since the realization of the Toulouse subway. Formerly there was a mill, and on the bridge of Tiny, of the columns.
The lock called the Garonne dœs not exist any more since the realization of the by-pass of Toulouse.
The communication with the Garonne always exists, but became underground. the first stone had been posed in November 1667.
TOULOUSE the pink city
The installation of the banks modified until its course. Various bridges, ports and locks mark out its layout in its skirting of the pink city before to join the Garonne. One arrives initially at the port Saint-Saver before the channel passes under the bridge of Montraudan. Further, was Port-Saint Etienne who owes his name with the very close Saint-Etienne cathedral. It is there that the Tomb of Pierre-Paul-Riquet near the archives of the channel is. This port was filled lately for the establishment of the ways. Downstream, the Riquet Bridge crosses the channel, come then the lock from Bayard then the locks the Tiny ones and of the Inhabitant of Béarn. The channel finishes its race in the basin of the mouth.
arrived at Toulouse, the boats therefore had not finished their tour of it. They had then to join the ocean. The basin of the mouth in which the channel of midday is thrown is a kind of hopper. It is about a vast lake in the shape of trapezoid in which one reaches by crossing them twin bridges. It is the only Toulouse work to have preserved its original state (put except for the modification of the XVIII ème century). This work formed by three bridges coupled this name carries because it was composed at the beginning only of two arches. The channel of midday arrives by the central arch. When one copes with low marble relief one finds on the right the channel of Brienne which leads to the lock of the Garonne then to the river. The bridge of left was added during construction side channel.)
splendid low the relief out of Carrara marble carved by Toulosain Lucas in 1775 represents l4occitanie, placed at the center which orders with the channel to run the Mediterranean in the Ocean. On the left of Occitanie, the Garonne raises its crowned head of reeds while the Geniuses of Arts dig the bed of the artificial river which must carry them wealths of the two worlds.
From time immemorial, the men seems to have crossed the Garonne by Bazacle, left accessible ford on foot. The weak one height of water reviewed of it major passage of the Garonne. In 1190, with authorization of the account Raymond V of Toulouse, a stopping called also fitted of Bazacle was built.
Of new mills was established there, the financing of this complex as well as the expenses of entertien and of operation were ensured by an association of lords. The benefit étaients distributed between shareholders according to the number of shares in their possession.
Bazacle becomes thus the oldest joint stock company with the monde.
Located at Toulouse, in the region Midi-Pyrenees, it runs on 1,560 meters. It is born with the level from the Garonne to the upstream from Bazacle by the lock Saint-Pierre, and joined and the port of the Mouth, not of meeting with the channel of the South and the side channel in the Garonne marked by the Bridge-Twins.
La construction of the channel of Brienne was decided by the States of Languedoc in 1760: the channel of the South passed beyond the walls of the city and joined The Garonne downstream from the roadway of Bazacle. The creation of the channel thus made the downtown accessible by water way. Work began in 1765 and led to the digging of the channel and one port to the mouth of the two channels (with the Bridge-Twins) 1; it was inaugurated on April 14th 1776. With the departure named channel Saint-Pierre, it will take the name of channel of Brienne, in honour of Étienne-Charles de Loménie de Brienne (1727-1794), archbishop of Toulouse.